Nahum 1 Nahum sends a message to the enemy God used to bring His people to correction. However, God will not hold the enemy guiltless. How can God use and judge people at the same time? If your heart is evil, God will use your evil heart to show people what it is like to be under someone other than Him, who is absolute love. We will have to submit to somebody, and if we don't want the leadership of God, then we must be submitted to someone, and that someone is the enemy. He allows the enemy to rule over our lives. His plan is always to save everybody, but if we choose not to listen to Him, all who are not under His control will die. Although the enemy is the Assyrians in this chapter, I have chosen the spirit of the Assyrians to show how relevant our behavior connects to the wrath of God. Just like Israel, who disobeyed God and had to go into a 70-year exile, we too will be judged by God. What is Assyrian behavior? Assyrian behavior lifts...
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