Hosea 8



God's Word is our Final authority.  When God gave us the Word of God, He gave us the knowledge of God.  If we stray from His gift through His Word, we live life like animals without a soul, and ultimately, we live in a fantasy world that we create.  Israel walked away from God for many years and refused to turn back.  If we decide to live on our own, we will reap a life that will sweat us to death.
It is time that we take another look or, better said, repent and reread the Word of God slowly enough to find out who God really is.  Hosea is popular for the woman he married, but not many people know that Hosea's marriage had a deadly meaning when applied to the behavior of Israel.  Let us learn from the lesson from Israel and connect back to God, or the judgment pronounced on Israel is still in operation today.  Jesus has given all we need to find the kind of life we all want through His guided instructions in the Word of God.


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