Micah 2

If the United States had met Micah during the years of segregation, we might have had a fear of God to have a conscience about how blacks were treated by whites.  This is a very sensitive subject to many of our churches, perhaps because we want to forgive and forget the past.  Well, if that would help us to move forward, we would have to erase the prophecy of Micah chapter 2. 
 We are instructed by God to study to learn the behavior of Israel so we can get a clear picture of what will happen to us if we, too, refuse to change.  Israel murdered and slaughtered people who did not give them what they wanted or did what they said.  They actually pulled the skin from the backs of people.  All of this was done using God's name to support their evil doing.  
All leaders must know the Word of God to see how God concluded this behavior throughout eternity.  I listen to some of the best white teachers of the Word, and they barely touch the message of the United States' behavior concerning the mistreatment of blacks. It is commanded by God that we teach and learn every Word of God, even when it is uncomfortable.  When people hear God's Word, people will change.  The problem was and still is a problem today that people who are in position to teach God's Word won't or will not teach it fully.
God's Word is a mirror of who we are, when we see ourselves in the mirror, we make adjustment or are aware adjustments need to be made.  Micah 2 is a Word from God for His people today.  If we will hear and obey, God will listen and forgive.



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